Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pumpking Night @MHA Library

I wanted to create a small intimate family night at our library this fall. The answer was Pumpkin Night. I asked families in grade Kindergarten, first and second to design a pumpkin based on a character from a book. The families were so creative! The pumpkins were on display in the library for two days. In that way, each class would be able to see their classmates work. The library offered several pumpkin activities for families to participate in that night including a story time with the librarian and the principal!
Here is the link to the film that showcases the pumpkins and the joy the kids had coming back to the library at night.
Here are the documents that I created to organize this pumpkin night. Feel free to download and edit them to make them fit your pumpkin night.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Back In The Library!

It is official... I am back in the library! Through a series of district movement a library position opened up. I have left my home school, Allen and now dance between our newest schools, Kirby's Mill and Chairville. I know that this is a challenge sharing schools, but oh how I love the library environment! The staff and children in both buildings have been so welcoming. I am also following a super star librarian who has left things in perfect working order! How fortunate for me! There are so many projects going on right now that I want to share here. I hope there will be enough time to blog!